- Since 2024 -
R&J Poultry
Fresh Eating Eggs / Hatching Eggs/ Chicks
About Us
Hi I'm Renee! My fiancé, James and I started our small poultry farm about a year and a half ago, starting off it was just to keep my mind busy due to depression and anxiety but it quickly became an obsession. What started off as bantams from a bin at Tractor Supply Co. turned into us acquiring Ayam Cemanis, Olive Eggers, Black Copper Marans, Midnight Majesty Marans, Sapphire Gems, Lavender Orpingtons, Black Sex Links and so many more breeds. We currently have a breeding pen of Ayam Cemanis and a mixed flock with all the other breeds listed above, they are currently under an Ayam Cemani rooster but will soon be under a Sapphire Gem rooster.
We offer Hatching Eggs online only!
Chicks are local pick up in Brown County Ohio, can CONTACT US for further details.
Photo Gallery

R&J Poultry- Renee Storer

R&J Poultry- Renee Storer

R&J Poultry- Renee Storer

R&J Poultry- Renee Storer

R&J Poultry- Renee Storer

R&J Poultry- Renee Storer

R&J Poultry- Renee Storer

R&J Poultry- Renee Storer

R&J Poultry- Renee Storer
